Category Archives: News

Why Organisations Should Move Beyond Detection

Background Humphrey Browning, Deep-Secure, discussed “why organisations should move beyond detection” during this month’s SWCSC Networking Meeting.  Deep Secure is based in Malvern, UK, founded in 2009. Technologies: Policy and enforcements. Target Markets: Defence, Gov, CNI, Financial Services. Beyond Detection Report, Gartner. Deep Secure has come up with an innovative way to stop Malware. Solve…

Overview of the UK Cyber Cluster Collaboration (UKC3) Programme

UKC3 Logo

Overview Richard Yorke is the MD to Cheltenham and Gloucestershire cluster for 5 years. Looking to collaborate with Bristol and Bath. He manages Deep 3 Software – since November 2019. Background of UKC3 and How to Support Clusters: Collaboration is key to how they founded the corporation. Key feature of the organisation is growth, economic,…

Building a Cyber Education Ecosystem

Overview Sarah Hancock, CyberFirst with NCSC, discussed about building a cyber education ecosystem and to enhance diversity within the Cyber Security industry during June’s SWCSC Networking Meeting. Building a Cyber Education Ecosystem Improve the skills and diversity gap within the Cyber Security industry by building a journey so they understand the depth of Cyber Security…

Supporting FE Courses with Cyber Experience

Background Mike Halliday, TechEd Programmes Ltd, discussed Supporting FE Courses with Cyber Experience at this month’s SWCSC Networking Meeting. Cyber Security Education & Industry Cyber Security education and the trend of neurodiversity students within the Cyber community South West Cyber Futures Programme – building a cyber skills pipeline of the region Need to find a…

A Chance to Influence & Shape the Cyber Security Education Ecosystem for the SW – 21/06/2021

The NCSC CyberFirst team invites you to a collaborative workshop on July 1st, 2.30pm-4.30pm, to begin modelling the cyber security education eco-system for the South West. This is an exclusive invite and we are looking for a small number of representatives from across industry, academia, education & government. This event will support the governments’ emerging Cyber…

ISO27001 Latest

Background Darren Grey, Securious Ltd, is a Lead Implementer of ISO 27001 and discussed the standard during June’s SWCSC Networking Meeting. ISO27001  Is a justified risk management framework Establish, implement, maintain and continually improve an ISMS – never ending process, always learning and improving Ensures the organisation’s assess and monitors risk to InfoSec Implement controls…