Author Archives: Marketing South West CSC

Over 25 Schools in the South West Register to Become an NCSC CyberFirst School

The CyberFirst Schools initiative, from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)  – a part of GCHQ – was in full swing this month, as members of the delivery consortium headed into key events to showcase the benefits of joining the programme to computer science teachers across the South West.  The consortium, made of Raytheon, Tech Spark, The South West Cyber Security Cluster and CyNam, attended the Festival of Computer Science in Plymouth and set up…

Cookies- do they take the biscuit?

Geoff Revill, steering group member and co-founder of Safe Space One Ltd discusses, “Cookies- do they take the biscuit? Explaining latest law developments and consequences.” Core Principles for Trustworthy Digital Engagement  When exploring apps or pages online you are connecting to a person or business, developing a relationship and entrusting them with your personal data.…