This month’s SWCSC featured a talk from Nathan Heyes about GDPR 2018.

- Implementation date: 25 May 2018
- Is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Union and the European Economic Area.
- To comply with one version (UK or EU) is to comply with both. So, you are compliant to GDPR if you comply with either the UK or EU version.
- You must be aware of any changes (e.g. Brexit) to remain compliant.
- All UK companies should now be compliant to EU GDPR.
EU Representative Requirements
- You are required to have an EU representative if your company’s products or services are targeting EU citizens.
- Targeting is the most important part
- It does not necessarily mean that your website is targeting EU citizens
- Unless your website uses .eu domain instead of domain, then there is a need for an EU representative