GDPR for Small Businesses – Checklist

The new EU General Data Protection Regulations are coming into force on the 25th May 2018 and for small businesses this adds another ‘To Do” to an already long list.

We thought it might be helpful to provide a high level checklist for you to work your way through to help you with your compliance.  Remember there is clear and helpful guidance on the ICO website and we recommend that you use this valuable free resource. The ICO website also has online checklists that you can work your way through depending on whether you are a Data Controller or Data Processor.

We hope our checklist will help you on your way to becoming compliant.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”SME high level checklist GDPR”]

For more information on GDPR visit the ICO‘s website. To help you with checklist item 5, technical controls, visit the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) website for advice and consider the Government backed Cyber Essentials Scheme

Contributed by Geoff Revill and Roz Woodward